Energy Balancing Services

Carol conducting an Energy Balancing Class at the Big Bear Yoga Festival
Carol’s Current Work
Carol continues to provide “Energy Balancing Services.” Energy Balancing Services include processes that use energy techniques to assess specific body energies, and how they relate to one’s current health. Carol’s energy balancing sessions are not to be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Carol’s energy balancing sessions fall in line with the field of Energy Psychology, wherein there is the broad based theory that fields of energy in the human body can be manipulated, charged, or altered to increase general performance, health, happiness, creativity, success and fulfillment. Currently, there are no state licenses for the practice of energy balancing techniques and procedures.
Carol continues to agree with Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine orientation… “With Eden Energy Medicine, we take a holistic approach that is particularly attuned to your energies. We know that the health of your body reflects the health of its energies. Over the past 40 years, we have had the privilege of developing a highly effective method that shows you what you can do to keep your energy in a positive flow for healing and health.”
(Donna Eden 2023 —
Eden Energy Medicine has brought together and integrated nine types of energy systems involving meridians, chakras, triple warmer, radiant circuits, auric field, basic grid, electrics, Celtic weave, and the five rhythm elements. Specific energy techniques activate the body’s natural healing abilities and restore vital energies that are weakened, disturbed, or imbalanced.
Eden Energy Medicine has been introduced to doctors, medical groups and hospitals and accepted as a model for preventive and restorative treatment in health management. It is being used today with cancer patients, autoimmune disease, allergies, pregnancy, menopause, sleep, depression, anxiety, pain management, and among military service members with phantom limb, post-traumatic stress, and other combat related injuries.
In May 2023, Carol retired her licensing affiliation with the Board of Behavioral Sciences Program and is no longer a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW). Carol, also in May 2023, dropped her membership affiliation with the National Association of Social Workers.
Since 1984, Carol Treadwell has worked in the social services field. Carol, to date, has 39 years of experience as social worker, and during this time-period, she maintained continuing education according to the standards set by the National Association of Social Workers. Here you can review her resume and another file documenting her continued education.
In 1997, Carol became a California State Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW #18595) providing professional mental health services to adolescents, children, adults, and families.
Carol has held complementary certifications in Hypnosis and Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine (aka Eden Method), training in EMDR, Non-Violent Compassionate Communication, and Psych-K.
Carol no longer provides clinical counseling services; however, she still conducts energy balancing sessions.